Airtight and alright

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Explore competitive quotes for your upgrades from authorized providers in one place. Get up to $5,000 off in federal government rebates alone and discover additional provincial and municipal rebates for insulation improvements.
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A cheap way to prevent expensive headaches

Insulation deficiencies can lead to ice dams, mould, condensation, bugs or mice infestations, frozen pipes, and soaring energy bills. Improving your insulation slows the rate of heat loss, prevents costly disasters, and improves your comfort and peace of mind.

To become eligible for insulation rebates, have a 20% improvement or better in the R-value/RSI of the insulated area.

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Think smart before you start
Your utility costs increase when air leaks from your building envelope through the outer walls, windows, doors, and other openings. Avoid the disappointment of losing out on significant utility bill savings or ending up with lacklustre post-evaluation EnerGuide rating. Evaluate the air sealing in your home before installing your energy-efficient upgrade.
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Can I combine rebates for different areas within my house?

Yes, you can combine rebates to improve the insulation in different areas in your house. However, the total grant amount offered by the Federal Government under the Greener Homes Grant is $5,000.

Does the type of insulation I use matter?

No, the type of insulation does not matter. The retrofit has to improve insulation within specific parameters to be eligible for a grant.

How do I know what areas need insulation?

The Renovation Upgrade Report (RUR) provided after your pre-retrofit EnerGuide Assessment will have targeted recommendations of areas to improve your home's energy efficiency. Talk to your Energy Advisor to learn more.

Do I have to insulate the entire area of a wall to be eligible?

For most sections of your home (except exposed floors or crawl space), you will need to insulate a minimum of 20% of the total wall area to be eligible for the grant. The grant amount will be prorated based on the area insulated.

Save money by
saving energy

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